You do not have to clean all your teeth, just the ones you want to keep!
Good oral health is the epitome of great overall health. You know, as they say, you are what you eat- they are not entirely wrong.
The particles from the food and beverages you eat can linger in your mouth, welcoming bacteria and oral health problems unless properly “flushed out” or cleaned. Even if you maintain good dental hygiene, professional dental cleaning is inevitable.
If you are also worried about only one thing, “does getting your teeth cleaned hurt”; and it stops you from going to the dental clinic, lets look at facts.
Fact one: professional teeth cleaning is not an option, and it is necessary to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
Let us bust some myths and educate about teeth cleaning at Maple Ridge.
It will help alleviate dental anxiety before your next dental appointment.
Professional Teeth Cleaning- Did You Know?
There are built-in defence mechanisms in every part of our body, including our mouths. A sticky layer called dental plaque forms around our teeth and gums daily. You brush and floss your teeth, and plaque goes away. However, if you do not maintain good dental hygiene, this soft layer (easily removable by brushing) turns into a rock-hard layer of calculus or tartar, as you may know, it. Once this hard layer wraps around your gums and teeth, you might brushes cannot deal with it. You will have to go to the dental clinic for professional cleaning.
According to Canadian Academy of Periodontology you need professional teeth cleaning twice yearly to improve your dental hygiene.
Usually, a dental hygienist or dentist can perform routine cleaning. However, if the tartar has damaged the periodontium, you will need a periodontist. Our teeth are surrounded by a supporting structure called the periodontium. The periodontium includes the gingiva (gums), alveolar bone, cementum (root part of the tooth) and periodontal ligaments. Periodontists deal with the disease and damage to these structures to keep your teeth and oral cavity healthy with teeth cleaning at Maple Ridge.
What happens if you do not get professional teeth cleaning?
If you avoid teeth cleaning because it will hurt, you must prepare for even painful consequences. Neglecting your dental hygiene can lead to:
· Dental pain
· Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
· Dental problems such as cavities
· Gum diseases- inflammation, swelling, pain, bleeding
· Loose teeth
· Tooth loss
· Difficulty in eating
When should you go for a professional dental cleaning?
Ideally, dentists worldwide recommend getting professional teeth cleaning at six months intervals. It keeps the gums healthy and improve dental hygiene, so your dental problems stay at bay. However, these intervals can vary. You will need a dental cleaning every three months if you have dental braces or dental prostheses in your mouth like dentures, bridges or crowns. Moreover, if you have debilitating health conditions like diabetes or bad smoking and tobacco habits, you require professional teeth cleaning every 3-4 months. Also, if you have excellent dental hygiene and great oral habits, your dentist might give you a heads up to clean your teeth at 9-12 months.
Types of Dental Cleaning- Deep Cleaning vs. Simple Cleaning
Coming back to the point, does it hurt during teeth cleaning.
No, it does not if there are no underlying diseases. If you have followed good dental hygiene practice at home, with regular visits to the clinic, you will know that getting teeth cleaned never hurts.
All you will feel during and after the procedure is “sensitivity” because it is simple dental cleaning. And that goes away in a few days with proper post-treatment care.
But- yes, there is always a but!
A dental cleaning can sometimes hurt, especially if layers of tartar sit on your teeth and the gums are barely alive because you will need a deep cleaning.
Simple Cleaning
It is a straightforward, pain-free procedure.
The dentist or hygienist will assess your teeth and gums. Then perform a simple scaling procedure with manual or ultrasonic scalers to remove the tartar- usually above the gum line. Lastly, they will polish your teeth with a polisher to smooth the surface and make them appear glossy- and clean.
Deep Cleaning:
This is a somewhat uncomfortable and painful procedure.
The dental professional will assess the teeth and gums.
If the calculus in your mouth has led to gum diseases, a simple cleaning will not do the job. As the tartar settles deep, there will be gum recession, and “gingival pockets” will form around the tooth.
In a deep cleaning, the dental personnel will remove all the tartar and its residues below the gum line in two parts. First, it will be periodontal or gum scaling. The second stage will be root planning, where the scaling is on the deeper parts of the teeth and gums.
The second part is often more painful.
In either case, you will experience sensitivity and discomfort after the procedure. With proper care, all the symptoms will go away.
Key Takeaway
Therefore, cleaned teeth do not hurt as such- not anything that cannot be managed by some local anesthesia and post-op pain killers. It is best to discuss your dental hygiene options with your dentist for teeth cleaning at Maple Ridge.