Looking to straighten your smile? Considering DIY dentistry, but wondering if it's safe? Know all the facts before you begin performing a medical procedure on yourself.
Smile direct club and other like companies have created a substantial presence in the consumer market. With a strong marketing campaign and social media presence it’s hard to argue with their claims. Here at Kanaka Creek Family Dental we believe it is our duty to not only educate our patients but also advocate for their well being.
Orthodontic treatment is dynamic inflammatory process with bone being built up in certain areas and bone being resorbed (taken away) in others. The movement of biological material, which if not done correctly could lead to irreversible and expensive damage.
Consider the facts.
Dentist go through four year of education to receive their bachelors in science. They are then allowed to apply for dental school, another four year degree. After competing against some of the top students in the nation to gain Admission. Dental school is a rigorous four year experience where students have to constantly defend their right to be in a doctorate program. Four years of endless exams, classes and practical, student often study along side their medical colleges to obtain a well rounded education. After successfully completing their doctorate program, students must pass either a licenser exam or complete an additional one year post graduate residency program. Not all general dentist perform orthodontic treatment known as braces due to the complexity.
You should feel confident in not only your doctors skills but also feel safe they stand behind ethical standards. Your dentist should be able to meet with you and discuss your unique needs. We are trained to safely perform the procedure and advise patient on what is in their best interest. Many of these DIY mail order aligners companies do not have the patients’ best interest in mind and focus on profits over patients or better yet “costumers” since there is no doctor oversight. Thus, don't take the advice of every person you follow on the social media. Instead, ask yourself, does this person have the qualifications and expertise to give me factual advice.
In stark contrast, companies who provide medical services direct to consumer are using lab technicians to fabricate Aligners. Treatment is often financially motivated. Companies will use the cheapest labor they can find. Meaning they hire unqualified technicians and doctors to oversee your treatment. Treatment is not truly personalized as you can never meet them in person. Numerous diseases can be left misdiagnosed such as decay (cavities), periodontal disease, and even oral cancer. Without proper diagnostic tools such as a full new patient exam, periodontal (gum and bone) evaluation, dental x-rays, and risk assessment you may be left in a worse state than when you started. We have seen documented cases where patient may also loose some teeth due to improver movement and lack of oversight.